Sunday 13 April 2008

Hair Transplant Question: Which Technique Gives Better Results

There are two different techniques used for transplant surgery one involved using needles the other uses scalpel blades.

The following question was recently posed as to which technique was more effective and gave the best results.
clipped from

I have noticed that of hair transplant photos posted where needles are used instead of blades to make recipient sites for the transplanted hair, there appears to be MUCH more redness.  The redness also seems to last longer post-op.  Is this because the needle hair transplant doctor is transplanting hair at greater hair density or does the needle cause more scalp trauma?

Blades versus Needles in Creating Recipient Sites in the Balding Areas in order to Transplant Hair

Our hair transplant clinic has used both needles and blades for many years. In a large number of hair transplant patients, we have used both and see no difference in postoperative healing or redness. When patients come back in for followup when the hair is growing in, there is no difference in the appearance of the hair in blade areas compared to needle areas.

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